Symphytum orientale (White Comfrey) Viola lactea (Pale Dog-Violet) Genista tinctoria (Dyer's Greenweed)

Hants Plants

A site for botanists in Hampshire (test site)

Living Record

Living Record

Living Record is a third-party application for biological recording developed and promoted by mc² Data Innovation Limited. You can submit and view your records using maps and satellite imagery and a standardised recording form.

If you would like to submit records and don't use an alternative recording system, the Hampshire BSBI recorders encourage you to sign up for this. Use of the software is completely free for recorders, and is free of adverts and similar annoyances.

NEW USER? Click the button below and use the "Join" facility to become part of the Hants Plants recording team.

EXISTING USER? Click this button to open a new page onto Living Record, and log in.

IMPORTANT: how we use your data

By submitting your plant records, you agree that:

  • The BSBI recorders in Hampshire may hold your records on databases.
  • Your records may be shared with other members of the recording community in Hampshire and with the BSBI nationally. Nationally, they may be used in national recording schemes and held on the BSBI central Distribution Database. Access to full record details on this database is currently restricted to authorised users, but national policy may change over time.
  • Summary details of your records, not including your name, will be used to feed data to this web site.
  • The BSBI recorders may pass records to third parties in the county (including the Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre and the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust) and use them in publications.
The intellectual property rights in the records remain with you.

Lr page design last updated on: 29 Apr 2021