Species documentation
Here you will find a selection of survey documents and papers on notable Hampshire species. Many of the survey documents include details of population sizes, associated species, site condition and management at the time of survey. This repository is a work in progress and new material will be added over the coming months and years.
The entries entitled "Survey sheets" are collections of field survey documents acquired during several recording projects. Most of these are open access, but those marked with [R] are restricted and have password protection. This is because of landowner sensitivity or conservation concerns at some sites. You can still download the files and request a password from either of the county recorders to unlock a file. Please let us know your reason for having access.
In most cases, the documents here cover a limited number of the sites where the plants are to be found in the county. You can help deepen our knowledge of notable species by taking part in the Threatened Plants project, where you will find a survey form suitable for recording a population of any plant on the Hampshire Notables list and some notes on how to complete it. Don't be too daunted by the form: the notes provided on the Threatened Plants page explain what you really must record, and what you can leave out if you don't know or don't feel able to assess.

Alphabetic index by scientific names
Click on an entry to retrieve its document.
Click on a letter for file listings.