Symphytum orientale (White Comfrey) Viola lactea (Pale Dog-Violet) Genista tinctoria (Dyer's Greenweed)

Hants Plants

A site for botanists in Hampshire

Hampshire botanical news

News on field meetings
Two days of Hampshire field meetings on the 7th and 8th September are being organised by the Wiltshire Botanical Society. Hampshire Flora Group members are welcome. See the Calendar for details.

Clive Chatters' new book 'The Nature of the New Forest' will be published in Autumn 2024. You can order a pre-publication copy at a £10 discount.
New book on New Forest
Clive Chatters' new book on the New Forest is due to be published by Pisces Publications in the autumn of 2024. Up to 31st October you can order it at a pre-publication price. Flyers will be available at meetings, or order online at Pisces web site.

News listings go live
At last, the news listings go live! For the moment, news items need to be posted by the Hants Plants site administrator. Email them if you want something posted: include a brief title, a short summary for the sidebar, longer text for the News page, and optionally a single image to accompany your text. Fairly soon we expect to have facilities for registered users to post their own news and events.

News last updated on: 30 Jun 2024